We enhance value through professionalisation and the implementation of best practices in Corporate Governance, providing experience, objectivity and independence.

Optimisation of governance
We are professional counsellors and independent advisers focused on fortifying the advantages of corporate governance. We provide tools for developing best practices, corporate social responsibility, informed decision-making and systematic risk management.
Good Corporate Governance elevates company reputation and trust among stakeholders, ensuring fair and sustainable decisions in the long term.
Engaging a Professional Independent Advisor involves incorporating/reinforcing the benefits derived from the implementation of Good Governance in non-listed/family companies.
- Increased intrinsic and market value of the company, improving the perception of employees, customers, suppliers, potential investors and public institutions of the company.
- Improved management of conflicts of interest and mediation.
- Effective decision making: Good governance establishes a clear and efficient framework for corporate decision making.
- Risk management: sound governance helps to identify and manage business risks.
- Attracting and retaining talent: effective corporate governance creates a strong and ethical work environment, which helps attract and retain talent. Employees value transparency, accountability and fairness in decision making in a proactive manner.
- Increased protection of minority shareholders, based on objectivity, independence and transparency.
- Greater Experience, Objectivity and Independence.
- Implementation of Good Governance in phases according to the company’s degree of maturity.
- Mediation / better management of conflicts of interest.
External independent
professional advisers
Implementation of best practices
in Corporate Governance
Independent and objective
advisory counselling
Family-oriented advice
tailored to your company
Board committees: audit,
appointments and remuneration
Other functions: strategy, finance,
risks, compliance and more
Other services
Explore our business advisory and comprehensive support services for companies and executives.
Initial commitment-free diagnosis. Shall we talk?
Is your company grappling with temporary issues or facing business challenges such as internationalisation? Feel free to contact us without any commitment. We have proven experience in handling succession processes, leadership substitutions, cost improvements, enhancing organisational efficiency and navigating challenging situations that may require commercial, organisational and/or financial reorganisations.