Our Services
At Open K2, we boast years of proven experience in General Management and on Boards of Directors. We are a team of professionals ready to help you overcome challenges and seize opportunities.
We offer comprehensive advice to companies, entrepreneurs and executives. We offer a variety of services in our three areas of activity: Interim Management during periods of transition, Good Governance for Companies and Management Consulting.
Interim management
Our relationships are built on trust
Interim Management, or temporary business management within General Management, is our primary service, and is founded on the solid and proven experience of the Open K2 team. This service entails hiring a highly qualified professional to work for a specified time and objectives.
Good governance for companies
External independent advisers
We enhance value through professionalisation and the implementation of best practices in Corporate Governance, leveraging experience, objectivity and independence.
Management Consulting
We formulate Business Plans and provide support in strategic reflections.
Management Consulting, offered by Open K2, delivers business solutions through business diagnostics, advice and support. To ensure alignment in the execution of a roadmap, we develop Business Plans y and provide support in strategic reflections.
Who comprises our team?
Get to know our team of professionals with extensive experience and proven expertise.
Open K2 is a team of expert and qualified professionals in the areas of General Management and Boards of Directors. We are a growing company, incorporating executive talent through associates with experience and proven capabilities.
¿En qué podemos ayudar?
En Open-K2 nos avalan varios años de contrastada experiencia en dirección general y consejos de administración. Somos un equipo de profesionales dispuestos a acompañarte en la resolución de retos y en el desarrollo de oportunidades
Jubilaciones / Sucesiones: Contrataciones temporales para la dirección general para que realice actuaciones o transiciones a la nueva gerencia.
Mentorización. Sustituciones de urgencia 6 meses, gestionamos hasta que encuentren el perfil.
Fondo privado que compra una empresa: Son financieros y no gestionan, durante una primera etapa se lleva la empresa de la mano de Open K2 para iniciar ese proceso de nueva gestión.
Plan de crecimiento: Orgánico (cuando crece a sus propios recursos la empresa). Inorgánico (a través de la compra de otras empresas y se vaya creciendo). Tenemos experiencia en planes de crecimiento o internacionalización. Todas las partes de la empresa tienen que hacer cambios para ese cambio global de estrategia / necesidades de nuevos mercados.

Initial commitment-free diagnosis. Shall we talk?
Is your company grappling with temporary issues or facing business challenges such as internationalisation? Feel free to contact us without any commitment. We have proven experience in handling succession processes, leadership substitutions, cost improvements, enhancing organisational efficiency and navigating challenging situations that may require commercial, organisational and/or financial reorganisations.